The wait is almost over! Another week has gone by and we are almost through with this project. This week has been all about improving our game and polishing the existing features. Thankfully every intended feature could be implemented before this week as we were not allowed to implement any new features this week. Technically our game is finished but we are working on the last finishing touches.

As you can see we changed a lot about the post processing. We created a Lookup Table and adjusted the saturation and constrast to create an image that is pleasing to the eye and conveys the colorful and happy nature of our game. We also added some cashiers to make the store seem more realistic and we also added signs on the walls to fill them up. Before they did look a bit empty.

You already saw it in the screenshot above but here is a closer look at our interaction pop up. We have added some UI elements that display to the player which item is going to be picked up if they press the button. This makes the gameplay less confusing because sometimes the character picks  up items which you don't expect it to.

When you check out there is now an effect that plays. This is meant to show the player that something good has happened.

Another effect we have added is screen shake. This effect happens when a player gets pushed. We tried to keep it impactful yet not distracting since we have up to four players and not everyone might be involved in the push that triggers the screenshake.

You must be getting tired of effects but we added another one! When players clash their carts together sparks appear! To add to this we also added a sound so signify the collision.

All of these effects further elevate the experience of the player and make the gameplay feel more impactful and satisfying.

What's Next?

There are only a few days left until launch. We will aim to further improve our game a bit and get extra things done such as making our Itch page more beautiful and getting the final build up and running. We hope to see you there when we finally launch our project.


GameProject-v0.9.zip 40 MB
41 days ago

Get Market Mayhem

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