Week 8: SPRINT 2.2

Welcome back trash panda lovers!

This week we are here to present you with our newest accomplishments or well.. progress at least. This week was again all about improving the game and getting everything done before the end of Sprint 2. There is only one more week left so time is getting tight. But no worries! We are on track to complete everything we need to.

We have continued to work on our level. The layout has more or less stayed the same but we have added a small promotion island and soome pillars and we are quite happy with it. We also have improved the toon shader and our level is looking less bland now. We want to continue working with post processing to give our level that extra something.

Furthermore we have improved the shopping list. We changed the look of it as you can see but also the functionality. Now there is guaranteed variety in every shopping list. It is no longer possible to get only one kind of item or too many of them. We also changed its functionality. Before if you checked out and did not complete your list you did not get a new one and could just continue playing. Now, if you haven't completed your list and check out anyway you get a completely new list. This change should encourage players to stick around in the store for longer to complete their lists. Items that are not on the list also don't give you points anymore.

We have also made different animations and implemented them into the game. Now our characters animations dynamically change based on the type of movement he is making. We have also started working on implementing particle effects. For now we have a work in progress walking particle effect and an effect that plays when a character gets pushed.

One of the major things that is currently missing is a winner screen and a start up screen. While they are not completely in the game just yet we have started making the design and elements required for it. Here you can see what we have come up with so far:

What's Next?

We are now entering the last spring week so there is not much time left. For now we will focus on getting everything we need to done and hopefully having everything that is necessary and some cool extra stuff in the game at the end of next week. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


GameProject-v0.8.zip 38 MB
48 days ago

Get Market Mayhem

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