Another week another Devlog. This week we have mainly focussed on the UI and the level design and we have lots to show you guys.

First of all we have implemented the UI into the game. Now the player can see on their screen what their shopping list consists of and what their score it. When one item type was completed the item gets crossed off the shopping list as you can see below. Furthermore, every player gets a shopping list in the color of their own character. This way every player knows exactly which shopping list belongs to who.


We have also changed our level layout. The new layout is much smaller and more compact. We tried to emulate the feeling of a real store while also giving the players multiple paths towards the checkout. We think this is already an improvement but we want to continue to test and improve the layout.

As you can see we have also added some doors to make the level feel more realistic and closed off. The overall look of our game has changed too! We now have a cell shader which gives our scene a more toonish look. The shader supports ground shadows and if you need to you can also give the model specularity to give the impression of the object being shiny Here you can see the difference between the model with and without the toon shader. 

We also improved some general things about the game. The items will now fly away if the character walks into them and no longer halt the players movement. We have also layed the base for Effects. The code for a push effect that appears over the players head when they get pushed has been coded but the art is still missing for now.

What's Next?

For now we will continue to work hard on improving the game and implementing everything. We also want to focus on testing the game as a group and improving the layout and the gameplay.


GameProject-v0.7.zip 38 MB
55 days ago

Get Market Mayhem

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