Week 9: SPRINT 2 END

The last week of Sprint 2 is over. Our project is basically completed. Again we want to show off some of our progress.

Our game now has a screen where players can join. That way it is clear for every player what color they are gonna have in the game and gives you a bit of time before the game starts. Every player has to confirm they are ready by a button press. If every player is ready the game starts.

Our level itself hasn't changed but we have added a few things to make it look fuller and more lively. We have added signs on the floor and on the walls to make the exit more recognizable as well as boxes to make the store look fuller. Furthermore you can see that the items now have outlines. This way you can easily see which items can be picked up. The drumstick item also have a special outline which make it stand out as a special item. The camera angle was also changed a bit so you can better see elements like the signs on the walls.

We have also finished integrating aspects of the game such as an end score screen and the start up screen.

The HUD has also changed a bit. The lines didn't fit anymore with the text so we removed them for now.

Furthermore, you can cause even more chaos in the store now! Throwing items on the floor leaves behind some nice dirt splatters that will be evidence of your destruction! This makes our store even more dynamic and gives players a deeper feel of interaction.

We have also made and implemented all animations. Our game is now basically finished.

What's Next?

Our game is now out of production and goes into polishing. That means we can no longer add new features to our game. Instead we will focus on improving the existing ones to make our game better.

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