Hello dear readers and welcome back to yet another Devlog! We are excited to announce that we have finished our Prototype and it now contains all of the features we are hoping to implement into the final game. But more on that later.

Art Bible & More

This week we completed our Art Bible. We expanded on the content we already had last week and also made the document look as nice as possible. All of this work will make producing assets for the game easier.

Next to a general Moodboard we also defined things such as Shapes and Colors for the Environment and Characters. We also provided examples for the UI and Special Effects and so much more.

Next to the Art Bible we also had to complete the Tech Document and the Game Design Model. The Tech Document will help us keep the technical guidelines in mind so everyone has an easier time working with other peoples files and code. The Game Design Model will help us keep track of our Tasks that need to be completed for our game.


Last week we already showed you a bit of our Game Prototype. We have continued to expand our features this week.

Largely, gameplay has remained the same but we have added a shopping list! Now the player can shop with purpose. At the start of the game every player gets a random list with a few items they have to collect. Players will only get points if they bring items to checkout that are on their shopping list and if you complete an entire shopping list that gives you extra points. If a player manages to complete their shopping list they will get a new one. We have also pushing to our game. Don't worry it's just a gentle shove, but it does give you the ability to knock the shopping carts of other players out of their hand. So if someone steals your cart while you aren't looking you can try and get it back that way. Feel free to try out our Prototype yourself. We have attached it to this Devlog.

What's Next?

If all goes well the next step is to actually go into development. For this we will have to start from scratch with a fresh project. We will start producing assets and implementing them into the engine as well as developing all features with clean code. This is also when we have to start thinking about balancing our gameplay.


GameProject-v0.3.zip 35 MB
Mar 21, 2024

Get Market Mayhem

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